
Donate online using PayPal by clicking the “Donate” button or scan the QR code using your Mobile Phone:

Other ways to contribute by shopping online:

  • If you browse or shop online, go through the website iGive sends a percentage of your purchase price as a donation to the Foundation. iGive works right with your Internet browser (such as, Firefox, Chrome, & Safari) and lets online stores know you want a percentage of every purchase you make is donated to us.

We also accept donations by mail at (monetary and/or items):

Friends of the Shelter Foundation

1904 Clay St.

Newcastle, OK 73065

We also accept donations of goods and food

Here are some items we need:

Dog Food – Dry or Canned

Dog Houses – Igloo Style or simila

Flea Dip

Flea & Tick spot treatment

Collars and Leashes of various colors and sizes are welcome

Our Donor Privacy Policy may also be viewed on our website.